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Writing challenge for myself.

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Hey all,

So I have challenged myself to write for 30 days.  It doesn't mean I'm going to write something amazing everyday, but it will get me in the habit of writing on a regular basis and help me just write.  There is a book called "The Artist's Way" and it talks about morning pages and it says to simply force yourself to write every morning, your morning pages, to just dump... to empty your mind and see what comes up for you.  I love writing, I love sharing and communicating usually by writing more so than talking, but I do enjoy performing (you can ask my mom about that. :-) ).  But I have realized I haven't really expressed myself much in a while.  I shared how I felt the other day in a meeting and it was so refreshing.  I shared openly and honestly.  I wasn't worried about my review, or who I was going to offend, because what I was sharing was true.  We should not use technology because it is a buzzword, we should use technology that solves the problem.  All in all, it was very well-received and we changed what we were doing because of it.

I am not a database guru, but I know some basics.  I refer to others to improve that knowledge.  It was so fun to design a database from scratch, and do it correctly.  It truly was done correctly, normalized data, clean relationships, etc... I so enjoyed that and I even enjoyed it more by explaining it to the other team members and defending the design.  It was so much fun.

Anyway, I have realized that marriage to the right person really changes your life and opens your mind to all your dreams.  I have married the most perfect woman for me.  I often hear people say, I can't do that anymore, I'm married.  That always terrified me.  I realized that I can do even MORE things because I'm married.  I can write like this, I can play xbox WITH her, so those co-op games are very valuable in building a stronger marriage. :-)  I can go on trips and share my thoughts, and not just write them down hoping someone will give me some feedback.  I can whine when I am sick and she will laugh at me and make me mac & cheese and get some gatorade. :-)  Ok, you get the point... I'll probably write more about that on another day.  All in all, it is better than I ever imagined.

So a quick summary... I will be writing what is on my mind for the next 30 days.  Whether it be the debt-ceiling debate, how marriages are, or some technology babble that I often do.  Who knows?  I think it is pretty funny that if we were tell a credit card agency we can't make our payments, can you give us more credit so we can use that to pay off the other debts?  Thanks.  Ok, that is very simple comparison to the debt ceiling but WOW.  Like the bailout idea, hey my company didn't do business for 2 years, and I had to hustle to get contracts, and took a full-time job to pay the bills.  I didn't get a bailout to live on and rebuild my company.  Ok... that is enough for today...  This is going to be fun.  Hope you are going to follow this endeavor.  All habits are formed in 21 days... good or bad. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by!