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It is becoming more rare for me to write about tools, templates, or products that I get excited about and I have a pretty high-bar regarding this. However, I started playing with and wanted to see what it really can do.

Disclaimer: I am not paid for this review, I don't work for them, nor do I work with them and honestly don't know anyone who does.

That being said, it is pretty amazing templates for Flask. If you have ever done anything with flask, then you have seen Miguel's amazing mega-tutorial and it truly is amazing, and highly recommend supporting his work here.

That being said, there is always more we want to do, we want a cleaner UI, more functionality for components, and some easy templates to get started as fast as possible.

This is where comes in.

They have several templates, but I want to focus on Flask, since I am a huge fan of Flask.

Here is a link to it:

They also have more complicated version for dashboards here:

What they do well?

  • They have great documentation that allows you to on-board really quickly.
  • They have components that you can use throughout your site.
  • They have an authentication system that makes it easy to signup new users.
  • They have really clean UI, not simple, but clean.
  • They have deployment steps for various options (Docker, Heroku, Waitress)

What they could add?

  • A popular JS framework for components (React/Vue/Angular)
    Note on this, apparently they are working on that right now
  • Scss support (which you can add SUPER easy)
  • An oAuth option, probably the most important feature on ANY signup. (Auth0 or Okta come to mind?)

I can keep writing about their dashboards, their features, and so much more, but they have already documented so much of their application it seems redundant.

If you are entering a hackathon and need to get up and running fast and love flask, then start with their template. I like the SoftUI Design System.

Go play and enjoy, kudos to @creativetim